Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 10, Issue : 4, Year : 2024
Article Page : 238-240
A 33 year old male presented with complaints of Headache, vomiting, and two episodes of seizures with a history of loss of consciousness. The patient was brought to the emergency department and diagnostic MRI was suggestive of a diffuse soft tissue infiltrative neoplastic lesion occupying basifrontal lobes, corpus callosum, temporal lobes, bilateral caudate, and right lentiform nucleus with increased creatine peaks and relatively reduced N-acetylaspertate (NAA) peaks on MR spectroscopy, suggestive of Lymphoma/Glioma.
Keywords: N-acetylaspertate, Basifrontal lobes, Bilateral caudate
How to cite : Vaishnavi P, Fatima S, Small cell GBM: Case report. IP Indian J Neurosci 2024;10(4):238-240
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Received : 10-10-2024
Accepted : 01-11-2024
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