Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 10, Issue : 4, Year : 2024
Article Page : 235-237
Essential tremor (ET) is a prevalent hyperkinetic movement disorder of clinical practice. The exact aetio-pathogenesis of ET is unknown. Genetics has shown a proven role in approximately 50% cases of ET. Different loci of genes are associated with ET, but wide-scale validation into generalized population is lacking. This is primarily due to biodiversity in genetic milieu in different population, environmental factors as well as detection of newer mutations. In this case we described a 19 year old male presenting with progressive hand tremors without familial history and tried to explore genetics for aiding the diagnosis.
Keywords: TENM4, Mutation, Tremor
How to cite : Pandey S, Chakraborty R, TENM4 gene mutation in a case of unilateral essential tremor. IP Indian J Neurosci 2024;10(4):235-237
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Received : 14-06-2024
Accepted : 28-08-2024
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