The analysis of comparison performed between the standard deep breathing approach and a strategy for denitrogenating patients prior to inducing general anesthesia

Original Article

Author Details : Sajan Mali*, Tshetiz Dahal

Volume : 10, Issue : 4, Year : 2024

Article Page : 204-210

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Aim: Most anesthesia professionals view denitrogenating as a crucial patient safety procedure that should be carried out before administering general anesthesia and creating a secure airway. According to studies, passive spontaneous mask ventilation for three to five minutes is inferior to four deep breaths over thirty seconds (the "four-breath technique") or eight deep breaths over sixty seconds (the "eight-breath technique"). Nevertheless, there aren't any published randomized studies assessing techniques to enhance deep breathing quality in a typical clinical situation during denitrogenation. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a typical coaching technique with a biofeedback strategy to improve deep breathing volumes during denitrogenation.
Materials and Methods: Two groups participated in this hypothetical experimental study: the Control group (N = 11) and the Investigational group (N = 11). Four conventional deep breaths (DBs) were used to prenitrogenate both groups at the beginning. Four more DBs were completed by Control individuals utilizing the conventional coaching method. On the other hand, the patients in the experimental group received increasing DB objectives in real time using a biofeedback technique, with four breaths after each of the first four DBs.
Results: When comparing the volume of DBs 5 to 8 (p=0.005) between the Investigational group and the controls, there was a statistically significant increase. DB 5 to 8 in the experimental subjects more closely approximated the projected VC when the volume of each DB was compared to the participants' predicted VC (p=0.002).
Conclusion: In summary, when employing a breath-to-breath biofeedback technique instead of a conventional DB coaching technique, DB volumes are noticeably higher.

Keywords: Denitrogenation, Prenitrogenate, Desaturation, Preoperative sedatives

How to cite : Mali S, Dahal T, The analysis of comparison performed between the standard deep breathing approach and a strategy for denitrogenating patients prior to inducing general anesthesia. IP Indian J Neurosci 2024;10(4):204-210

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Article History

Received : 17-10-2024

Accepted : 05-11-2024

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Article DOI 10.18231/j.ijn.2024.043

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