Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 2, Issue : 2, Year : 2016
Article Page : 43-45
Background: CUS plays an important role in assessing neurological prognosis of these high risk infants. This study was conducted to assess the correlation of gestational age, birth weight and perinatal factors with various cranial ultra sound findings in high risk neonates.
Methods: A clinical study was conducted at Sardar Patel Medical College, Bikaner. 200 high risk neonates were enrolled for the study. Cranial ultrasound was done and findings were studied. Detailed antenatal and perinatal history was recorded and clinical examination and baseline investigations was done. Perinatal details were recorded and clinical examination with appropriate investigations was done. CUS was done and morphology of various findings was studied and recorded.
Results: On cranial ultrasound, 76 of neonates had abnormal findings. Correlation of gestational age with cranial ultrasound findings was statistically significant (P=0.010). Correlation of birth weight of high risk neonates with abnormal cranial ultrasound findings was statically not significant (P=0.9160). In the correlation of perinatal risk factors with abnormal cranial ultrasound findings, there was no significant correlation with PIH, APH, PROM, multiple births and birth trauma (P=0.620).
Conclusion: It is cheap, non-invasive, non-ionizing radiation, repeatable and easily available in bed sides. Cranial ultra sound helpful for the early diagnosis and therapeutic approach for sick neonates.
Keywords: Cranial ultra sound, Gestational age, perinatal factors, Birth weight, Bikaner
How to cite : Nagaraj N, Berwal P K, Choudhary S, A prospective study of correlation of gestational age, birth weight and perinatal risk factors with various cranial ultra sound findings in high risk neonates. IP Indian J Neurosci 2016;2(2):43-45
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